Tuesday, October 4, 2011

2nd Homestudy Visit, Ian's Birthday, Wee Injuns, Homeschool, and a trip to the Doctor... ALL IN ONE DAY!!!!!

Well, we have had a very eventful day!  But it has been a good day.  Ethan is really enjoying going to Wee Injuns at the High School this year.  This is his 2nd week, and he LOVES it!  He looks like such a big boy walking into school with his Transformer bookbag on!!! 
The girls are working really hard on their schoolwork.  We stay busy and this mean old teacher just won't give them a break!!!  I have been accused of being too hard on them this year. :( Maybe when they graduate, I will ease up on them!
Today is also Ian's birthday!!! Man, he is getting OLD!!! His co-workers strung Georgia tissue paper all over his office, got him a nice Georgia Tech cake, but put some awful Georgia Bulldog decorations on it.  (They must not like him!!!!) -- or they just wanted to play a really bad trick on this GT fan!

Kyleigh woke up not feeling so great, SO we ended up with a doctor's appointment at 2:00 this afternoon.  She is better now and on an antibiotic.

We had our 2nd homestudy visit scheduled today @ 4:00!  (Kyleigh and I made it back on time!)  It went really well.  We had our separate interviews with our social worker.  We turned in a lot of the paperwork and documents that needed to be signed.  We were really excited when he said that we were doing really well, and that we may be traveling by SPRING!!!!!  I am so excited to get to meet our little boy.  All of this paperwork is a piece of cake, and I cannot wait to get to hold him in my arms!!

Jewelry Fundraiser

We are selling beautiful jewelry to help support our adoption!  You can visit this website and it will have pictures of the jewelry and the prices.  They are beautiful pieces and would make wonderful Christmas gifts!


Please send me a message if you are interested.

email: wynncc1@gmail.com