Saturday, September 10, 2011

Awesome Day

I had the most awesome day today washing cars!!!!  God is so good! We were so blessed with so many friends and family that are supporting us through out this adoption journey.  For all that came out today, we are truly thankful and you touched our hearts deeply. 
As I thought about today, I became a little emotional.  Ian had some volunteers from work come and helped us wash cars today.  Angie Hernandez, Ellen Veals and 4 wonderful kids came all the way from Hazelhurst.  We were so very thankful for their help.  My mom and dad also came to help us wash cars, and they were a huge help: 1. washing cars, 2. watching Ethan!!!! (Before we were done, Ethan was wearing more soapy water than was in the buckets!!)
We had a man come up to Ian not long after we got started and asked why we were washing cars.  Ian told him that we were adopting and were raising money to help with the costs.  He said, "That is all you had to say, I was adopted."  He handed Ian $20 and walked away.
We were so blessed by so many today.  We were given donations, support, and we were even paid NOT to wash some vehicles!!!! funny!! :)  but so sweet and thoughtful that they were so generous to us.  We appreciate all that you have done and are doing to help us bring this little boy home. 
We truly feel that this is God's call on our lives, and we feel that HE will bless it and make it happen.(in his timing, not ours)  We are not sure how this is going to go.  We certainly do not have it all figured out.  But we are willing to work hard and give all that we have.  We honestly do not have all of the money yet that it will take to bring this little boy home.  But we know that God provides.  We are stepping out on FAITH.  We are trusting in our Lord and Savior.  It is very scary, but so worth it!!! I love it when I take myself out of the picture and realize that I don't have to have all of the answers, and let God work.  He is a powerful God and can do things above and beyond anything I could ever imagine. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Car Wash!!!!!!

We are having a car wash to help raise money to bring our little boy home. 

September 10, 2011

8am- 12pm
Advance Auto Parts

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

PA is Here!!!!!

Oh Happy Day!!!!Surprise, Surprise.... when I opened my email this morning I had great news!!! It has only been one week since we sent in our LOI, and we have now received our PA (preliminary approval) for Shun Xian Zhi in China!!!!!
Here is a picture of our sweet little boy.

I am also attaching a video of him.  He is PRECIOUS!!!

Monday, September 5, 2011


My little boy turned 4 on Sept. 1st.  I cannot believe that he is already 4 years old!  He celebrated his birthday by going swimming at his Nanny and Papa's with his family there to celebrate with him.  He had a GREAT time, and so did we.  We enjoyed watching him play and enjoy opening all of his presents.  He requested a Spiderman birthday party.  So we worked hard to create him a special Spiderman cake.

I think this is one of his favorite presents.
He is wearing it all around the house!!!!

Today has been very difficult for me.  The little boy that we are trying to adopt turned 2 today.  His 'estimated' birthday is Sept. 4th.  We just had a great time celebrating Ethan's birthday, and I wonder how our other little boy in China celebrated today.  Did he get to have a party?  Did he eat cake and ice cream?  Did he get presents?  Did he have someone that he loves sing Happy Birthday to him?  I have so many questions.  And so much saddness to know that I could not be there to wish him a happy birthday.