The last few days have been busy. It's hard to believe that we've been here over a week and only a few more days until we get back on a plane to head home. I'm actually looking forward to a 3 1/2 hr flight to Korea, 5 hr layover, and 14 1/2 hr flight to Atlanta! Well, at least I think I'm ready for that....
So, on Saturday we spent part of the day doing medical checkups for Caleb and the other kids in our group. Simply put, it was a mad house. Tons of people in a small place with crying kids. Caleb did great though, even when he got stuck in the arm for a tb test.
This was one area, the other two areas were just as packed.
Caleb weighed 10 kg when we got him on Monday. By Saturday, he weighed 11 kg. The boy likes to eat.
Right after his tb test shot. He didn't like it, but he was over the pain in like 2 seconds. He's tough.
Back at the hotel room, he was good to go.....
Sunday was a shopping day. Christy, Kyleigh, Caleb, and I really enjoyed this. We worked together as a team; Christy and Kyleigh did the shopping, Caleb kept me company, and I paid the bill. Awesome team work!
Kyleigh and Caleb got Chinese outfits.
On Monday, we had a quick stop at the medical building for a followup on the tb test (all clear!) and then we went to the Guangzhou Zoo. Christy probably doesn't want me to say this, but I got to. We saw (get the tune in your head)....Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!
We had a good time, but it was hot and humid. We really enjoyed the AC once we got back on the bus. Well that's a run down of the last few days. Thanks for everyone's prayers and support. Our God is an AWESOME GOD!
Fun Times!